Morgan Therapeutics Chiropractic
Manipulation Philosophy
5 Clinical Applications for CMT

1. Restore Joint Kinematics Locally
"Kinematics" roughly equates to "Quality & Quantity of Motion". CMT is used to restore individual joint function or "arthrokinematics"; this can be applied to any joint in the body, through a variety of deliver methods
2. Kinematic & Kinetic Chain Efficiency
Each joint is essentially a single link in a morecomprehensive chain of movement. Restoring arthrokinematics (joint function) locally can have a summational effect on the biomechanical operation of entire body regions and therefore the entire body. As a sub-category to 'kinematic chain efficiency', Dr. Morgan's use of CMT also restores and optimizes 'kinetic chain efficiency'. The kinetic chain is the integration and coordination of our individual force producers (muscles) across single or multiple kinematic links (joints). Force propagation through the kinetic chain is compromised with underlying arthrokinematic dysfunction
3. Neurological Decompression
At times, the degenerative process that time and gravity grants us all results in impingement or compression of our spinal nerves. When this clinical condition manifests, signs & symptoms can include pain, numbness, tingling, weakness and possibly postural instability. This can occur at other nerve sites as well, but non-spinal entrapment is typically due to soft tissue involvement rather than boney entrapment, and therefore are addressed through manual myofascial therapies. Dr. Morgan uses CMT to restore local kinematics (see #1 above) at the site of entrapment, in conjunction with other methods (typically manually applied traction and or therapeutic movement based exercise) to effectively decompress the impinged nerve. When applied appropriately, this manual therapeutic approach can often be dramatically effective in reducing symptoms and restoring neuromuscular health. The nerve compression indication is real, but historically has been used inaccurately, effectively oversimplifying chiropractic health care
4. Muscular Inhibition &/or Facilitation
In short, there are times and conditions where through spinal reflexic pathways, muscles supplied by spinal nerves become 'inhibited' (underactive) or 'facilitated' (overactive). CMT can be used to stimulate joint neurological receptors, which can result in a normalizing response from the body. Dr. Morgan believes that these reflexively mediated dysfuntions are more typically multi-factorial in causation, and not always exclusively or primarily spinal in origin; however CMT can be used as a therapeutic means through which to apply a response generating stimulus to help restore homeostasis. Dr. Morgan does use muscle testing and movement analysis in the assessment of this inhibition/facilitation situation; however he does NOT use muscle testing as an indicator of organic pathology or anything else that is not diretly explainable by his 'structure & function' philosophy.
5. Pain Management
Relief of pain is obviously what brings most people to Dr. Morgan. At times, CMT is used primarily because it brings pain relief, more so than primarily for one of the above listed indications. However, it can also be said that CMT utilized for one of the above indications, typically brings symptom relief as a matter of course. So what may seem like a 'pain relieving adjustment' to his patients, may truly represent pain relief through one of indications 1-4.
NOTE: Dr. Morgan does not specifically target 'Alignment' through CMT. CMT, by means of its' "arthrokinematic" restoration allows for the body's postural maintenance system (neuromuscular system) to provide for better alignment by way of improved function. This restoration requires active participation on the part of the body/patient via postural awareness and some degree of strength training and conditioning. In this way, effective and truly lasting postural changes can be achieved.