Biomechanical Structure + Function
The 'Structure & Function' methodology is a manner in which the human body is conceptualized as a biomechanical machine, and therefore how it is influenced by 'outside-in' therapeutic or training methods. An examination and understanding of the anatomic structure of the body gives great insight into kinesiological and/or cellular function of the body. A strong fundamental grasp of human structure and function allows for the standardization of treatment or training protocols, and represents a 'best practices' philosophy to health and fitness intervention.

Although some may consider the 'Structure & Function' approach to be reductionism, a true student of the field will have an in-depth understanding of musculoskeletal functional anatomy, physiology, and tissue biomechanics. To the detriment of pre-packaged, copyrighted, technique or training systems, this foundational knowledge is often glossed over and de-emphasized, and supplanted with non-validated, unscientific protocols for the sake of sales packaging and 'plug-in' use. It is Dr. Morgan's belief that all techniques or systems should be able to be explained and validated on the 'Structure & Function' level, otherwise they effectively represent dogma in perpetuity.
With this comprehensive, foundational grasp on the biomechanical, 'Structure & Function' model, conservative yet advanced 'outside-in' treatment and training methodologies can be constructed and applied in measured doses to elicit functional change, stimulate healing and the reparative response.
This model and perspective of therapy recognizes that at its' stripped down core, the human musculoskeletal system operates consistent with a complex mechanical model. Biomechanics is the application of basic principles of mechanics to living systems. In reality, human physiology is significantly more complex than simple biomechanics, however, from a conservative care, outside-in perspective, this 'structure & function' approach is highly effective in eliciting therapeutic or training responses from the body.
Dr. Morgan is an ardent student and practitioner of these principles. He has been teaching these very concepts in his University level Kinesiology, Applied Biomechanics, and Strength & Conditioning classes for a decade, and implementing them into professional practice since 1995.
Dr. Morgan embraces this type of mechanistic yet holistic approach as it is purposely not shrouded in secrecy and/or does not require an esoteric vernacular to explain nor does it require a leap of faith to 'believe' in its' methodologies. Furthermmore, the interdisciplinary, non-specialized biomechanical principles and lexicon spans across health and fitness disciplines, contributing to the collaborative platform required in the treatment and training of today's athletes and non-athletes alike.
Lastly, although the 'Structure & Function' approach is grounded in what we know to be valid and logical, it does not dismiss the complex nature and higher order of human physiology. This approach merely puts a logical framework around therapeutic and/or training interventions, and validates the means through which health and fitness professionals can influence anatomy, physiology and performance on many different levels.